Top Ten Most Hated One Piece Characters: Unveiling the Controversial Figures


One Piece, the popular manga and anime series created by Eiichiro Oda, has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. With its richly developed characters and intricate storytelling, the series has produced a diverse range of characters that elicit various reactions from the audience. In this article, we will delve into the top ten most hated One Piece characters, exploring the reasons behind their notoriety and the controversies surrounding them.

Spandam: The Cowardly Villain

Spandam, the former head of CP9, ranks high on the list of the most hated One Piece characters. Known for his cowardly nature, arrogance, and abuse of power, Spandam plays a pivotal role in the Enies Lobby arc. His actions, including his mistreatment of Nico Robin and his relentless pursuit of personal gain, have left a lasting impression on fans, making him one of the most despised characters in the series.

Foxy: The Annoying Trickster

Foxy, the captain of the Foxy Pirates, is a character that polarizes fans. While some find his antics amusing, many others find him irritating and disruptive. Foxy’s constant use of unfair tactics in his Davy Back Fight games and his smug attitude have earned him a reputation as an annoying trickster, making him one of the most disliked characters in One Piece.

Celestial Dragons: Symbols of Tyranny

The Celestial Dragons, descendants of the founders of the World Government, represent the pinnacle of privilege and arrogance in the One Piece world. These characters, known for their cruel treatment of others, including the common people and even fellow members of the World Government, evoke a strong sense of resentment and disgust among fans. Their actions and the systemic oppression they represent place them among the most hated characters in the series.

Wapol: The Greedy Opportunist

Wapol, the former king of the Drum Kingdom, is a character driven by greed and self-interest. His disregard for the well-being of his subjects, his opportunistic nature, and his obsession with material wealth make him highly detested by fans. Wapol’s actions, such as his abandonment of his kingdom and his selfish behavior, have solidified his position as one of the most hated characters in One Piece.

Spandine: The Corrupt Enforcer

Spandine, the father of Spandam and a high-ranking member of the World Government, is another character despised by fans. As the former chief of CP5, he represents the corrupt and ruthless nature of the organization. Spandine’s involvement in the Ohara Incident and his role in the destruction of the Ohara civilization have earned him the disdain of fans, who view him as a symbol of cruelty and oppression.

Trebol: The Disgusting Jester

Trebol, one of the top executives of the Donquixote Pirates, is a character that evokes a strong sense of disgust and repulsion. His repugnant appearance, his manipulative nature, and his sadistic tendencies make him one of the most hated villains in One Piece. Trebol’s actions, particularly his treatment of Rebecca and his involvement in the exploitation of Dressrosa, cement his place on the list of the most despised characters.

Hody Jones: The Racist Fishman

Hody Jones, the captain of the New Fishman Pirates, is a character known for his extreme racism and hatred towards humans. His violent and destructive actions, fueled by his misguided beliefs, have made him one of the most despised antagonists in One Piece. Hody’s relentless pursuit of revenge and his brutal treatment of both humans and his own kind have earned him a position on the list of the most hated characters.

Akainu: The Ruthless Admiral

Akainu, also known as Sakazuki, is an admiral of the Marines and a figure that polarizes fans. While some admire his unwavering dedication to justice, many others despise him for his extreme methods and lack of empathy. Akainu’s brutal actions during the Marineford War, including his killing of Whitebeard and his pursuit of Ace, have left a lasting impact on fans, solidifying his position as one of the most hated characters in the series.

Spandam’s Father: The Enabler

The father of Spandam, whose name remains unknown, is a character that draws ire from fans due to his enabling of Spandam’s actions. As the head of the Cipher Pol organization, he allows and supports his son’s abuse of power and mistreatment of others. His passive complicity in Spandam’s actions and his role in perpetuating corruption and injustice make him a despised character in One Piece.

Saint Charloss: The Cruel Noble

Saint Charloss, one of the Celestial Dragons, embodies the cruelty and entitlement associated with the ruling class. His sadistic behavior, including his treatment of his own slaves and disregard for the lives of others, has made him one of the most hated characters in the series. Saint Charloss represents the epitome of the corrupt and oppressive nature of the Celestial Dragons, further fueling fans’ disdain for him.

Caesar Clown: The Mad Scientist

Caesar Clown, a former scientist in the employ of Donquixote Doflamingo, is a character reviled by fans for his despicable actions. Known for his unethical experiments and disregard for human life, Caesar Clown embodies the archetype of the mad scientist. His involvement in the exploitation of children and his role in the events of Punk Hazard have solidified his place among the most hated characters in One Piece.

Orochi: The Tyrannical Shogun

Orochi, the shogun of Wano Country, is a character despised for his tyrannical rule and oppression of the people. His greed, deceit, and manipulation have led to the suffering of the citizens of Wano, making him one of the most hated antagonists in the series. Orochi’s actions, combined with his collaboration with the Beast Pirates, have garnered him a significant amount of animosity from fans.

Enel: The Arrogant “God”

Enel, the self-proclaimed “God” and former ruler of Skypiea, is a character that polarizes fans. While some admire his formidable power and unique abilities, many others despise him for his arrogance and god-complex. Enel’s ruthless and cruel actions towards the Skypieans, as well as his lack of regard for human life, have earned him a spot on the list of the most hated characters in One Piece.

Donquixote Doflamingo: The Puppet Master

Donquixote Doflamingo, the former Shichibukai and captain of the Donquixote Pirates, is a character that generates strong reactions from fans. His manipulative nature, sadistic tendencies, and disregard for human life make him one of the most despised villains in the series. Doflamingo’s involvement in the underground world and his orchestration of numerous tragedies cement his place on the list of the most hated characters.

Saint Jalmack: The Corrupt Marine

Saint Jalmack, a high-ranking Marine officer, represents the corruption and abuse of power within the organization. His oppressive actions and unjust treatment of innocent civilians have earned him the ire of fans. Saint Jalmack’s role as a symbol of the systemic flaws within the Marine hierarchy solidifies his position as one of the most hated characters in One Piece.

Bellamy: The Arrogant Pirate

Bellamy, a pirate from the Bellamy Pirates, is a character disliked for his arrogance and disregard for others. His blind loyalty to Doflamingo and his mocking of dreams and aspirations have earned him a significant amount of animosity from fans. Bellamy’s transformation and redemption arc later in the series, however, have sparked some debate and led to a more nuanced view of the character.

Saint Roswald: The Heartless Noble

Saint Roswald, a Celestial Dragon, is a character despised for his heartless and callous nature. His mistreatment of slaves and his complete disregard for the lives of others highlight the corrupt and morally bankrupt nature of the Celestial Dragons. Saint Roswald’s actions place him among the most hated characters in One Piece, representing the epitome of the ruling class’s cruelty and indifference.

Spandam’s Sword: Funkfreed

Funkfreed, Spandam’s sword, is an unusual entry on the list of the most hated characters. While the sword itself is not to blame, it represents the power and authority that Spandam wields. Funkfreed’s association with Spandam’s despicable actions and abuse of power contributes to the disdain directed towards it as an object in the series.


The top ten most hated One Piece characters reflect the diverse range of personalities, behaviors, and traits found within the series. From the cowardice of Spandam to the arrogance of Enel and the manipulations of Doflamingo, these characters have left a lasting impression on fans, generating strong emotions and discussions within the One Piece community. The complexities and controversies surrounding these characters contribute to the depth and richness of the One Piece universe, ensuring their place in the hearts and minds of fans.

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